We work closely with some government and non-government agencies that provide support to people like you - to inform Afghans who want to go abroad, who face troubles in another country or who want to return. We refer you to the right agency or organisation, which can help you in their area of expertise. The following list of institutions/ organisations / programmes and services might be of interest to you:
1. Afghanistan Population Registration and Tazkira Department: You can get your national ID card here; they are located next to Khirkhah gas station, after Tahia Maskan Square, Kabul, Afghanistan. The address of the the Directorate of Foreigners and Vital Statistics is: In front of Nadryia High School, Karte Parwan, Kabul, Afghanistan, more at https://www.facebook.com/705726932797697-ریاست-عمومی-ثبت-احوال-نفوس
2. Passport Office (Ministry of Interior Affairs) : In order to travel abroad legally, you need a passport and visa for the country you want to travel to. According to article 39 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Passport Law :”Every Afghan, according to law, has the right to travel abroad and return.” The central Passport Office works in order to issue passport for Afghans. Read about the necessary procedures here
3. Sequa’s ARIVET project which is funded by GIZ. This project provides vocational training to build technical skills of the Afghans in Iran, in order for them to have better chances of finding jobs. Afghans contacting MRC from Iran requesting for assistance and livelihood opportunities are referred to our ARIVET focal point. To learn more about ARIVET project, please visit: https://www.sequa.de/en/projects-programmes/arivet/
4. Awaaz Afghanistan project which is funded by UNOPS. MRC acts as referral mechanism to Awaaz humanitarian helpline when Afghans (returnees and IDPs) reach out MRC asking about humanitarian aid. Awaaz also refers Afghans seeking information of migration related topics to MRC. Therefore, there is a complementarity mechanism between MRC and Awaaz project. To learn more about Awaaz Afghanistan project, please visit: https://awaazaf.org/
5. Miniila Application for missing children. MRC acts as referral mechanism for questions related to Afghan missing migrant children/ unaccompanied minors in Europe. We had in person meeting with Miniila colleagues and agreed to work as referral mechanism for each other when we get questions related to our mandates/ scope of works. To learn more about Miniila, please visit: https://missingchildreneurope.eu/miniila/
6. Abad Foundation, the Afghan Lawyers Association in Denmark and KEIHAN Foundation which are initiatives funded by DRC. MRC also receives questions from Afghans who are in Europe and have enquiries related to integration in Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden and other EU countries. Here, the Afghan diaspora communities step up to support the integration of the newly arrived Afghans to the EU countries, in addition to the support provided by respective countries. This is an opportunity for MRC to support Afghans in the EU MS by linking them with the Diaspora organizations.
7. Mixed Migration Centre for exchange of information on smuggling routes, smuggling networks activities and messaging, information on migrants decision etc. MRC also make use of MMC’s (4iM) surveys reports.
8. Talent Beyond Boundaries for referral of qualified Afghans. MRC refers Afghans in the country, region and on the move to colleagues at TBB. I met colleagues from TBB last October in Geneva at IGC meeting and since then we pass TBB’s messages to qualified Afghans as social media posts. To learn more about TBB’s Afghan initiatives, please visit: https://www.talentbeyondboundaries.org/afghanistan-faq
9. UNHCR’s Help Afghanistan Initiative for referral of Afghans with enquiries on resettlement and humanitarian readmission programmes https://help.unhcr.org/afghanistan/